How To Choose The Concrete Block Mold?

block mold,Concrete block mold,block machine

The concrete block mold is one of the important parts of concrete block machine.

Different molds can be used to produce different concrete blocks.

If you want to produce many sizes of concrete blocks, one machine can help you finish all sizes of blocks. Just change the mold.

block mold,Concrete block mold,block machine
The concrete hollow block mold

The role of the mold as part of the block machine is very important. The mold will tell you the size and shape of the concrete blocks.

It is like baking a cake or bread – you use molds to give the size and the shape of the bread. Without the mold, the concrete blocks cannot be formed.

Therefore, the mold can be changed depending on the size and shape of the concrete block you are making.

The mold will also tell whether you are making a hollow block, a paver block, or an interlocking block.

block mold,Concrete block mold,block machine
Concrete interlocking blocks

The molds in the block machine must be maintained, cleaned, and changed as time goes by.

At the end of the day, the molds will have incurred hard cement or rust.

These must be cleaned with water; if possible a strong water spray will be used to clean the molds.

block mold,Concrete block mold,block machine
Concrete solid block mold

The entire block machine must also be cleaned with water spray, together with the mold.

Our Concrete block molds have more advantages than other molds of blocking machines.

Our molds are built with quality and durability – they do not easily give in to rust or dirt.


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