How to build a house with interlocking lego bricks

Lego bricks,interlocking bricks,clay interlocking bricks

Interlocking Lego brick making machine has manual version, automatic version, they could produce similar bricks.

And lego bricks also have many types, which one we should choose to produce? and what kind of clay lego blocks is more used when building a house?

Lego bricks,interlocking bricks,clay interlocking bricks
clay interlocking bricks

Below is main interlocking lego block for house building

Lego bricks,interlocking bricks,clay interlocking bricks
clay interlocking bricks

Main block is that full block, it usually build house wall, U shape full block, it use when you want water tube or electric wires go through wall.

The half-block usually use in house corner, window and doors.

Lego bricks,interlocking bricks,clay interlocking bricks
Lego bricks

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